Oracle system statistics

Oracle System Statistics

When I look at the system statistics I’m not really getting any wiser. There a re really a lot of statistics:

SQL> select count(*) from v$sysstat;



Above from a Oracle 21c instance. I do not want to see them all.

I would like to see the change in the statistics over time.
There are probably a lot of ways which lead me to this, but I decided to make something myself.

Script is to be found at: Github

First get some explanation and input arguments in place:

-- Name        : sysstatd.sql
-- Author      : Martijn Bos
-- Input       :     : the number of seconds to wait
--                : name which the statistics to display should look like
-- Description : Displays the delta for system statistics over time
--               Only shows the statistics that changed in the interval
--               Otherwise the list get way to long
-- Usage       : @sysstatd  
--               Getting the delta in statistics named %get% in a 10 second interval
--               @sysstat 10 get
--               Getting the delta in statistics for ALL statistics for a 60 second interval
--               @sysstatd 60 %
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 2023-05-26 : MB : Initial Version


define _WAIT=&1
define _STAT=&2

Declare some types and variables

  cursor statc is select,
                  from   v$sysstat ss,
                         v$statname sn
                  where ss.statistic#=sn.statistic#;

  stat_row statc%ROWTYPE;

  type stat_type is record(stat_name varchar2(100),
                           stat_class varchar2(100),
                           value_start number,
                           value_end number);
  stat stat_type;

  type stat_table_type is table of stat_type;
  stat_table stat_table_type:=stat_table_type();
  tmp varchar2(128);

NOow gather the first set of statitics


-- Gather first set of samples
  open statc;

    fetch statc into stat_row;
    exit when statc%NOTFOUND;

    stat:=stat_type(, stat_row.class, stat_row.value, 0);

  end loop;

  close statc;

As a temporary storage for the values a plsql-table is used.

Wait the specified number of seconds

-- Wait for a certain amount of seconds

And get the second set of statistics

-- Gather second set of samples
  open statc;

    fetch statc into stat_row;
    exit when statc%NOTFOUND;

    for s in stat_table.FIRST .. stat_table.LAST
      if stat_table(s)
      end if;
    end loop;
  end loop;

  close statc;

Above the statistic is searched in the temporary plsq-table. When found the the table is updated with current value of the statistic (end_value).

Now display the results:

--  Display results
  dbms_output.put_line(rpad('Class',64,' ')||rpad('Event',64,' ')||rpad('Start',20,' ')||rpad('End',20,' ')||rpad('Delta',20, ' '));

  for s in stat_table.FIRST .. stat_table.LAST
    if(((stat_table(s).value_start!=stat_table(s).value_end)) AND (lower(stat_table(s).stat_name) like lower('%&_STAT%')))
      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,1)=1)
        tmp:='1 - User;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,2)=2)
        tmp:=tmp||'2 - Redo;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,4)=4)
        tmp:=tmp||'4 - Enqueue;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,8)=8)
        tmp:=tmp||'8 - Cache;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,16)=16)
        tmp:=tmp||'16 - OS;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,32)=32)
        tmp:=tmp||'32 - RAC;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,64)=64)
        tmp:=tmp||'64 - SQL;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,128)=128)
        tmp:='128 - Debug;';
      end if;

      if (bitand(stat_table(s).stat_class,256)=256)
        tmp:=tmp||'256 - Instance Level;';
      end if;

                            rpad(tmp,64,' ')||rpad(stat_table(s).stat_name,64,' ')||rpad(stat_table(s).value_start,20,' ')||rpad(stat_table(s).value_end,20,' ')||rpad(stat_table(s).value_end-stat_table(s).value_start,20,' ')
    end if;
  end loop;


A statistic will be displayed if the end_value != start_value and the name of the statistic looks (like) the second argument.

The above code may seem a bit overkill, but this is a nice and clear way to decode the event-class.

Let ‘s see this in action.
I want to see the delta of the values of all statistics with “redo” in the name over an 10 second interval:

SQL> @sysstatd 10 redo
Class         Event                          Start        End           Delta
2 - Redo;     redo entries                   120082856    120082866     10
2 - Redo;     redo size                      30992703104  30992704144   1040
2 - Redo;     redo wastage                   237539404    237543324     3920
2 - Redo;     redo write active strands      655441       655451        10
2 - Redo;     redo writes                    652345       652355        10
2 - Redo;     redo writes adaptive all       652345       652355        10
2 - Redo;     redo blocks written            63171374     63171384      10
2 - Redo;     redo write size count (   4KB) 604304       604314        10
2 - Redo;     redo write time                374823       374825        2
128 - Debug;  redo write time (usec)         3748232491   3748253193    20702
128 - Debug;  redo write gather time         11893458     11893492      34
128 - Debug;  redo write schedule time       13409046     13409107      61
128 - Debug;  redo write issue time          13632878     13632944      66
128 - Debug;  redo write finish time         3746979859   3747000549    20690
128 - Debug;  redo write total time          3765973402   3765994266    20864

Or maybe :
Over a 5 second interval I wat to see the delta of the values of all statistics with “get” in the name:

SQL> @sysstatd 5 get
Class         Event                          Start        End           Delta
8 - Cache;    consistent gets                        1702844855   1702844863    8
8 - Cache;    consistent gets from cache             1692928193   1692928201    8
8 - Cache;    consistent gets pin                    1255976491   1255976495    4
8 - Cache;    consistent gets pin (fastpath)         255075190    1255075194    4
8 - Cache;    consistent gets examination            436951702    436951706     4
8 - Cache;    consistent gets examination (fastpath) 277730247    277730251     4
32 - RAC;     calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss      306882834    306882839     5
128 - Debug;  no work - consistent read gets         1238951220   1238951224    4

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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