Distribution of values in a column

Distribution of data

For calculating the right execution-plan Oracle often needs the distribution of values for a column. For an outlier value a index can easily be used. For a value that is present in half the rows a index might be less effective.

For a similar exercise I needed the distribution of values myself. I needed to know how the values in a column are distributed. For testing purposes I created a a table with a column populated with a normal distribution, and a column with a “true” random distributed column:

SQL> create table distribution (n1 number, n2 number);

Table created.

SQL> insert into distribution 
       with engine as (select rownum l from dual connect by level <=500000)
       select round(dbms_random.normal, 1)+20,
       from   engine;

500000 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.


Then I created a script distri.sh

-- Name        : distri.sql
-- Author      : Martijn Bos
-- Input       : -
-- Description : Shows the distribution of a (numeric) data
--               Somewhat like a histogram
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 2024-03-23 : MB : Initial Version

-- Usage :
-- distri <table_name> <column_name>
--   @distri engines weight
--     Shows the distribution of the values in the weight colum of the table engine
--   @distri mechanic.engines length
--     Shows the distribution of the values in the length column of the table engines in schema mechanic

set lines 200
col graph for a25

define _TABLE=&1
define _COLUMN=&2

with engine as
    select   floor(distribution.&_COLUMN/buckets.bucket_width) bucket,                             -- number of the bucket
             floor(distribution.&_COLUMN/buckets.bucket_width)*buckets.bucket_width min_value,     -- lower boundary for the values in this bucket
             floor((distribution.&_COLUMN/buckets.bucket_width)+1)*buckets.bucket_width max_value, -- upper boundary for the values in this bucket
             count(*) freq, -- Number of items in the bucket
             buckets.nov nov -- total number of values
    from     (
               select max(&_COLUMN)/20 bucket_width, -- width of a bucket (for now we user 20 buckets)
                      count(&_COLUMN) nov -- number of values
               from   distribution
             ) buckets,
             &_TABLE distribution
    group by floor(distribution.&_COLUMN/buckets.bucket_width),
select   engine.bucket,
         round((100*engine.freq/engine.nov),0) perc,
         rpad('|',round((100*engine.freq/max_freq.max_freq)/5,0),'-') graph
from     engine,
           select max(freq) max_freq
           from   engine
         ) max_freq
order by engine.bucket

Let’s see how this works out:

SQL> @distri distribution n1

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------
        12      14.88      16.12         28          0
        13      16.12      17.36       1980          0
        14      17.36       18.6      34611          7 |--
        15       18.6      19.84     183758         37 |-----------------
        16      19.84      21.08     206451         41 |-------------------
        17      21.08      22.32      68438         14 |------
        18      22.32      23.56       4637          1
        19      23.56       24.8         96          0
        20       24.8      26.04          1          0

9 rows selected.

SQL> @distri distribution n2

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------
       -21 -2.255E+11 -2.147E+11          5          0
       -20 -2.147E+11 -2.040E+11 12611    3 |-------------------
       -19 -2.040E+11 -1.933E+11 12665    3 |-------------------
       -18 -1.933E+11 -1.825E+11 12233    2 |------------------
       -17 -1.825E+11 -1.718E+11 12547    3 |-------------------
       -16 -1.718E+11 -1.611E+11 12258    2 |------------------
       -15 -1.611E+11 -1.503E+11 12375    2 |------------------
       -14 -1.503E+11 -1.396E+11 12470    2 |-------------------
       -13 -1.396E+11 -1.288E+11 12339    2 |------------------
       -12 -1.288E+11 -1.181E+11 12595    3 |-------------------
       -11 -1.181E+11 -1.074E+11 12596    3 |-------------------
       -10 -1.074E+11 -9.664E+10 12522    3 |-------------------
        -9 -9.664E+10 -8.590E+10 12210    2 |------------------
        -8 -8.590E+10 -7.516E+10 12646    3 |-------------------
        -7 -7.516E+10 -6.442E+10 12413    2 |------------------
        -6 -6.442E+10 -5.369E+10 12384    2 |------------------
        -5 -5.369E+10 -4.295E+10 12425    2 |-------------------
        -4 -4.295E+10 -3.221E+10 12512    3 |-------------------
        -3 -3.221E+10 -2.147E+10 12522    3 |-------------------
        -2 -2.147E+10 -1.074E+10 12621    3 |-------------------
        -1 -1.074E+10          0 12582    3 |-------------------
         0          0 1.0737E+10 12538    3 |-------------------
         1 1.0737E+10 2.1474E+10 12536    3 |-------------------
         2 2.1474E+10 3.2212E+10 12491    2 |-------------------
         3 3.2212E+10 4.2949E+10 12552    3 |-------------------
         4 4.2949E+10 5.3686E+10 12569    3 |-------------------
         5 5.3686E+10 6.4423E+10 12445    2 |-------------------
         6 6.4423E+10 7.5161E+10 12734    3 |-------------------
         7 7.5161E+10 8.5898E+10 12355    2 |------------------
         8 8.5898E+10 9.6635E+10 12431    2 |-------------------
         9 9.6635E+10 1.0737E+11 12573    3 |-------------------
        10 1.0737E+11 1.1811E+11 12521    3 |-------------------
        11 1.1811E+11 1.2885E+11 12701    3 |-------------------
        12 1.2885E+11 1.3958E+11 12374    2 |------------------
        13 1.3958E+11 1.5032E+11 12539    3 |-------------------
        14 1.5032E+11 1.6106E+11 12485    2 |-------------------
        15 1.6106E+11 1.7180E+11 12477    2 |-------------------
        16 1.7180E+11 1.8253E+11 12643    3 |-------------------
        17 1.8253E+11 1.9327E+11 12640    3 |-------------------
        18 1.9327E+11 2.0401E+11 12355    2 |------------------
        19 2.0401E+11 2.1474E+11 12509    3 |-------------------
        20 2.1474E+11 2.2548E+11     1    0

42 rows selected.


As you can see, we now have a somewhat visual idea of how data is distributed. Take care, this script works only on numeric values


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