Import and sign a public key

GPG index Now I have a private/public key pair, but what to do with it? Ofcourse we want to use it for encrypting and signing files, we will get tot that in a minute (next article). Because, as written in the first article, Bob needs Alice’s public key to encrypt a message to her, and […]

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GPG : Creating a Private/Public Keypair

GPG index GPG operates with a pair of keys : a public key and a private (or secret) key. The public key can/will/must be distributed to your corespondents (or whatever you will call them). The private/secret key is kept to you and only you. If you would like to make a comparison with the “real” […]

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GPG stuff

GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) is the gnu implemantaion of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). PGP was written decades ago by Phil Zimmermann, but it still does it job perfectly well. I will try to write down some notes about following subjects with respect to GPG Creating a public/private keypair Import and sign a public key Encrypt/Decrypt […]

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