Creating an ACL

A very simple example of creating an ACL for a principal and a host: Creating the ACLS (qith the associated principal) itself. exec dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl( acl=>’print_permissions.xml’, description=>’Gebruikt voor Print functionaliteit’, principal=>’APEX_230100′, is_grant=>TRUE, privilege=>’connect’); Associating a host to the ACL: exec dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl( acl=>’print_permissions.xml’, host=>’machine-name.domain.domain’, lower_port=>8010, upper_port=>8010); This is a starting point. You can go from here … […]

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Wow….that was easy. I just wanted to add SSL security to the website. I was prepared for : Creating a public and private key Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Issuing the CSR to a Certificate Authority (CA) Receving the signed certificate Configuring the Keys and Certificate in this very website. However …. Let’s Encrypt […]

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