DB2 commands

Starting the database

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2start
01/11/2022 14:57:48     0   0   SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

Stopping the database

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2stop
01/11/2022 14:58:43     0   0   SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.
SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

Stopping the database when there are connections/applications in the database.At first we do not succeed…ther are applications in the database.

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2stop
01/11/2022 15:00:11     0   0   SQL1025N  The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.
SQL1025N  The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2stop force
01/11/2022 15:00:17     0   0   SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.
SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ 

Connecting to the database

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 connect to tinus user martijn using pwd

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUXX8664
 SQL authorization ID   = MARTIJN
 Local database alias   = TINUS

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ 

Disconnecting/terminating the connection

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 terminate
DB20000I  The TERMINATE command completed successfully.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

List applications in the database

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 list applications

Auth Id  Application    Appl.      Application Id                        DB       # of
         Name           Handle                                           Name     Agents
-------- -------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- -------- -----
MARTIJN  db2bp          65         *LOCAL.db2inst1.220111200924          TINUS    1    
DB2INST1 db2bp          51         *LOCAL.db2inst1.220111200910          TINUS    1    

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

As you can see there are 2 connections in the database.

Forcing a connection of off the database

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 "force application (65)"
DB20000I  The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully.
DB21024I  This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

The number 65 is the application-handle (see the former example (list applications))

This will (ofcourse) result in errors on the application side of things:

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 "select count(*) from t1"
SQL1224N  The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has 
terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request 
because of an error or a forced interrupt.  SQLSTATE=55032
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

Getting configuration parameters

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 get database configuration | grep -i logsecond
 Number of secondary log files               (LOGSECOND) = 100
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 get db cfg | grep -i logsecond
 Number of secondary log files               (LOGSECOND) = 100
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

The command will get all database configuration parameters. So we need to grep the parameters we are interested.
If you are lazy (as every good DBA should be) you can use the second form.

And setting a configuration parameter

[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$ db2 update database configuration using logsecond  101
DB20000I  The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.
[db2inst1@bloemkool ~]$

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