RMAN recipes

A few recipes I like to go through: Restore and recover a database as far as we can go Restore and recover a database up to a point in time Restore and recover a database when datafiles are awol. Restore and recover a database when the controlfiles are missing Restore and recover a database when […]

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Restore and recover a database as far as we can go

Something went wrong…we need the database back to the point we have archivelogs of: List incarnation (just to see what we have…no actual need to) Restore database (getting the datafiles back in place) Recover database (creating an actual working database with all updates we can possibly find in the archives) Open the database (and start […]

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Creating a (demo)table

Often I need to create a table just for demonstration puposes, and this table needs to be filled up with data. The question for this post is…..: How to generate rows, preferrably a distinct number. So what I do? If the table has to be created yet: Or if the table allready exists: Did I […]

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Oracle 19.5 Install

Just a headsup…. If you download Oracle RDBMS 19(.5), this a big zip file….. The place where you unzip is the place where oracle will make all the software. It actually is your new ORACLE_HOME. If you, for instance, place the zip file in /u04 because you have a lot of space there, and start […]

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Btree : Balanced tree index

Let’s draw a table (any table). For simplicity I say: a block can only cater for 4 rows The table has 2 columns (ID and Text) Oracle assigns a rownumber within the block for every row If I would like to see all rows where ID=154, Oracle would have to look in all blocks, and […]

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Extent Management And Segment Space Management

Storage in a Oracle datafile: A table or an index is called a segment on the storage side of the Oracle database. Such een segment consists of extents. And these extents consists of blocks (the smallest unit of storage in a Oracle database). Most databases I see have a db_block_size of 8K (8192 bytes). If […]

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